
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

物理3A -大学物理A    ( 4.00 -单位)
Introduction to the major principles of classical mechanics using calculus for students studying life sciences and architecture. 包括:科学家的科学方法和社会责任, 牛顿力学, 能源, 万有引力, 液体, 热力学, 振动波.

  1. 掌握基本的力学概念,包括牛顿定律, 弹道, 旋转运动, 守恒定律, as measured by either the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) test that will be administered at the start and end of the term, 或现有的非分级的“独立工作能力评估”(附件).
  2. Demonstrate success through achieving a passing mark on the comprehensive final exam.
  3. Demonstrates Mastery of lab experiments through submission of a complete lab report with all requirement elements present, including abstract; introduction; materials, 方法, and procedures; data and analysis; results and discussion; references; data tables.

物理3B -大学物理B    ( 4.00 -单位)
Introduction to the major principles of ELECTROMAGNETISM AND MODERN PHYSICS using calculus for students studying life sciences and architecture. 包括静电学, 电路, 电磁波, 光学, 相对论 , atomic and nuclear physics and the social responsibility of the scientist and architect .

  1. 70%的学生将能够操作标准的实验室设备
  2. 70%的学生将能够分析实验室数据
  3. 70%的学生能够写出全面的实验报告

物理4A -普通物理I    ( 5.00 -单位)
Introduction to the principles of 牛顿力学 using calculus as needed. Vectors, kinematics, dynamics, 能源, momentum, 旋转, oscillations and 万有引力.

  1. Assess 物理 4A students improvement in learning over the term using the Force Concept Inventory with a pre- and post-class survey and normalized gain ("NG")
  2. 物理4A -学生应能阅读, 翻译, diagram and sucessfully solve qualitatively key word problems involving the concepts of kinematics in one, 两个, 还有三维空间, 牛顿运动定律, 万有引力, 功和能量, 线性动量, 旋转运动和动力学, 静力平衡, 和振荡.
  3. 表现出对力学中物理4A概念的定性掌握, 能源, 旋转, 静力学, 和/或重力通过演示, 集团项目, 研究论文, 和/或家庭作业论文
  4. Demonstrates Mastery of 物理 4A lab experiment through submission of a complete lab report with all requirement elements present, including abstract; introduction; materials, 方法, and procedures; data and analysis; results and discussion; references; data tables.
  5. FCI测试基本机制前后对比, 使用归一化增益100% X[(后-前)/(30-前)]

物理4C -普通物理III    ( 5.00 -单位)
振荡, 液体, 声波, 热力学, 电磁波谱, 光学包括反射, 折射, 衍射, 干扰, 极化.

  1. 在波中演示物理4C概念的定性掌握, 热力学, 和/或光学通过演示, 集团项目, 研究论文, 和/或家庭作业论文
  2. Demonstrates Mastery of 物理 4C lab experiment through submission of a complete lab report with all requirement elements present, including abstract; introduction; materials, 方法, and procedures; data and analysis; results and discussion; references; data tables.
  3. Demonstrates mastery of quantitative aspects of 物理 4C concepts in waves, 热力学, 通过家庭作业和/或考试问题来学习光学

物理4B -普通物理II    ( 5.00 -单位)
电场, 电流, 磁场, 感应电流, 交流电路, 麦克斯韦方程, 电磁波.

  1. 能定性地掌握电学中的物理4B概念, 电压, 电路, 电容器, 和/或通过演讲的吸引力, 集团项目, 研究论文, 和/或家庭作业论文.
  2. Demonstrate Mastery of 物理 4B lab experiment through submission of a complete lab report with all requirement elements present, including abstract; introduction; materials, 方法, and procedures; data and analysis; results and discussion; references; data tables.
  3. 展示定量掌握物理4B概念在E&M通过CSEM测试前/后.
  4. 读, 翻译, diagram and successfully solve quantitatively key word problems involving the concepts of Coulomb's Law, 高斯定律, conservation of 能源; definitions of capacitance, 当前的, 和阻力, 磁性定律, 法拉第感应定律和交流电路的概念.
  5. Successfully solve qualitatively key word problems involving the concepts of Coulomb's Law; 高斯定律; conservation of 能源; definitions of capacitance, 当前的, 和阻力; 磁性定律, 法拉第感应定律和交流电路的概念.
  6. Demonstrate mastery of qualitative aspects electromagnetism through homework and/ or exam problems.
  7. Demonstrate Qualititative mastery of 物理 4B concepts in Enull through CSEM test pre/post.

物理学5 -现代物理学    ( 3.00 -单位)
狭义相对论和现代物理学, 包括光子, 量子力学, 原子, 固体, 核物理, 粒子物理学和宇宙学.

  1. Demonstrates mastery of quantitative and qualitative aspects of Physic 5: concepts and 方法 of 相对论, 量子力学和核物理.
  2. Demonstrates mastery of quantitative and qualitative aspects of Physic 5: concepts and 方法 of 相对论, 量子力学和核物理学, 集团项目, 研究论文, 和/或家庭作业论文.
  3. 读, 翻译, diagram and successfully solve quantitatively key word problems involving the concepts of 相对论, 核物理, 量子力学.
  4. Solve qualitatively key word problems involving the concepts of 电流 和阻力, 磁性定律, 归纳法, 几何光学与波动光学, 和现代物理学.

物理11 -描述物理    ( 4.00 -单位)
Motion, 万有引力, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, 原子, and nuclei. Present day scientific problems and developments such as alternative 能源 sources, 太阳能, 核能, 激光, 相对论和黑洞. 专为非物理科学专业设计. 包括实验室介绍, principles and techniques with emphasis on the basic concepts discussed in the class. 如果物理10或物理10L已经完成,可能不会获得学分.

  1. Demonstrate mastery of lab report for an activity in 物理 11 curriculum
  2. 定量掌握物理11题
  3. 读, analyze and critique a magazine or newspaper article about a 当前的 discovery in the physical sciences (including physics, 化学, 地球科学, 地质, 气象学, 和天文学), 具体地确定科学过程的各个部分, 包括观察证据, 过去的研究, 可测试的假设, 实验结果, 数据分析, 支持或反对先前的理论, 同行评审和出版.

物理18 -预备物理    ( 3.00 -单位)
Basic problem solving techniques in mechanics as foundation for 物理 2A and 物理 4A. 解决定量物理问题的方法和策略. 适用于数学、工程、物理、理工科学生. 强调小组解决问题的活动, 解决问题方法的多样性, 以及详细的解决方案口头和书面报告.

  1. Demonstrate mastery of math and reasoning ability needed for solving introductory physics analytical and conceptual problems

PHYS 25 -工程师和科学家的计算方法    ( 3.00 -单位)
Methodology and techniques for solving engineering/science problems using numerical-analysis computer-application programs MATLAB, 动态仿真模块, MuPad, 和EXCEL. 利用MATLAB软件进行技术计算和可视化. 应用数学中的例子和应用, 物理力学, 电路, 生物学, 热系统, 流体系统, 以及科学和工程的其他分支.

  1. 给n a data set that can be modeled by either a Power-function or an Exponential-function linearize the data, 然后用MATLAB或EXCEL软件进行线性回归
  2. 运用微分学, MATLab命令, and script files to solve for an independent variable that will optimize/minimize/maximize some dependent variable quantity that results from the analysis of a real-world situation-scenario.
  3. Use MATLABs 动态仿真模块 InterConnected-Icon based programming environment to create a 动态仿真模块 FeedBack Diagram that produces a graph of the numerical solution to a NONlinear, 非齐次, 二阶微分方程.

物理27 -无人飞行介绍 & 火箭科学    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程向学生介绍背后的物理原理, 以及创建和操作, 无人驾驶飞行器,如火箭, 气球和无人驾驶飞行器(无人机), which collect inflight atmospheric data that are later analysed and presented.

  1. Build a working circuit board that accurately collects atmospheric data during flight of the unmanned vehicle.
  2. Construct a working unmanned vehicle that will ascend and land with the circuit board undamaged.
  3. 分析获得的飞行数据.

物理补充指令    ( 0.50 -单位)
一个个性化的课程,有指导老师的指导, 学生的导师, in basic 物理 computations designed to develop self-confidence and prepare the student for problem solving in the normal 导航 of physics courses.

  1. 运用物理概念并解决物理问题
  2. 协作解决问题
  3. Demonstrate increased awareness of learning styles in order to enhance success in 物理